Proceedings of the International Conference FIBRE CONCRETE

Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Proceedings of the International Conference FIBRE CONCRETE

Fibre Concrete is an international conference focused on fibre reinforced concretes traditionally held biennially since 2003.

Papers presented on the web were published within the scope of series of conferences Fibre Concrete.

The papers provide information about recent discoveries in theory, design and use of fibre reinforced composites. The focus of particular papers are results of experimental research, new materials development, progress in analytical methods and their implementation in design as well as successful applications of fibre reinforced concrete in structures and executions of fibre concrete structural elements and structures. Conference proceedings are covered in ISI (Web of Knowledge) database since 2013.

Conference Topics

The FC 2015 Conference deals with all aspects in connection with fibre reinforced concrete.
Topics of the conference includes but aren´t limited to: