The official language of the conference will be English.
On the conference will be arranged simultaneous translation for the main sessions. (CZE <=> ENG)


The deadline for abstract submission was extended to May 17, 2015.
Upload abstract application is in service >> please send your abstract
New page added — Pictures of Prague

Dear authors, thank you very much for submission of your paper to the conference FIBRE CONCRETE 2015, Technology, Design, Application in Prague.
Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts (150-250 words) for the Conference FC 2015 as soon as possible, but not later than May 17, 2015 [extended]..
The abstract should clearly state the aims, content and conclusions of the paper.
Authors should indicate whether they prefer poster or oral presentation.
The notification of abstract acceptance and further information will be sent to the main authors by June 1, 2015.
Full paper
All accepted papers will be published in Conference Proceedings with ISBN and in electronic version (E-Periodical) with ISSN. Conference Proceedings will be submitted to be indexed in the Thomson Reuters and SCOPUS (Elsevier) database.
Papers shall be original, not published yet and shall bring new information or advanced knowledge.
Please prepare the papers according to Paper Template below.
The full papers (min. 6 pages) may contain figures in colour. The electronic version of the full paper is limited only by the file size 10 MB. Abstract from the full paper will be presented in the Conference Programme.
The file names of the full paper should be:
Surname_Name.doc, where Surname_Name is the first author of the paper.
The deadline for the submission of final full papers is July 1, 2015.
Please keep in mind that the papers can be published after purchase of the registration fee - until July 1, 2015 you pay special early rates.
If any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at
After the conference the Conference Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation by Thomson Reuters.
Submission possibilities
1. Electronic Submission System
2. E-mail:
All papers will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content, correctness and relevance to conference by a scientific committee and selected on the basis of merit for oral or poster presentation. Notification will be sent to main authors by August 15, 2015.
- See the schedule of the conference FC 2015 sessions (conference programme with the time of your presentation).
- The oral presentation should not extend beyond ~ 15 minutes (please keep the time!).
- The participants are asked to upload their presentations first day of the conference in during the registration time from 8:30am to 10:00am at the registration desk.
- Transferable media with your presentation: USB, CD.
- The participants are asked to contact the chairman at in the break before the session with their presentation.
- Presentation software: MS Office 2003! (PowerPoint - *.ppt, *.pps), OpenOffice, Adobe Reader (*.pdf)
We ask all lecturers for feedback information by return if we can take your presentation into account. If you have some time preferences according to your travel arrangements, please let us know.
- The format of the posters is ISO A0 (841 ×1189 mm (33.1 × 46.8 inches)).
- The posters are accepted in English only.
- There are no specific rules for the poster design.
- The authors of posters are asked to hang their posters presentation first day of the conference (September 10, 2015) in registration time from 8:30am to 10:00am.
We ask all authors of poster for feedback information by return if we can take your poster presentation into account.